Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Blog Lesson Number 1

I don't believe people spend a bunch of time perusing the Comments on Blogs. So, when people post Comments (hint: Dan :-) ), they don't necessarily get read much. I, as the owner, see the posting as an email, but have no clue which item was Commented upon.

So y'all can post Comments, but the real spirit of a Blog is for each of us (and y'all are invited to join) can post our own original comment, so it shows up on the top page, like the Cowabunga (at least that's what I recall it was from Dan).

So, blog on, but don't necessarily expect me or someone else to comment on your comments.

BTW, my birthday is coming up. Wish me well. The day will be spent running kids around. Melissa has a homecoming dance that night. Vicki will be outta town. :-((( Matt will be preparing for another romp of football.

I fully expect to see a picture of MOM in Bellevue posted here, outside the front door of my HQ. You know, near the Porsche dealer in town....

And, I don't really know what a meronger is....but frankly I'm pleased that Google saw fit to rank me number 1 because of it. I should try that more often. (I actually thought it was a real word, but damned if I can find the hidden dictionary hanging around the house.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is bio-based insulation worth the additional cost when building a new home? Supposedly the estimated 40%+ in savings on your utility bill will make up the difference in the additional cost for the bio-based insulation in about 3 ½ years. In addition, it is reported that by using this product you will see a saving on the cost for the hvac system by about $1000, and you will save around $500 or so on framing materials because you don’t have to use the techshield. Also, if you choose to enroll your home in the energy star program, it would cost your about $500 for the program inspections, but you would then qualify for a $2000 one time check from the State of Texas for building energy efficient. I look at it this way, I am adding maybe $50 per month to my mortgage to save $200 or so a month on my utilities. At some point you will break even and began to see long term savings with the Bio-based insulation. It’s hard to grasp it if you are only thinking of immediate costs. You have to think of it from a long term prospective.

11:10 PM  

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